A few shot of Dr Stan under his eight meter Peter Lynn Charger he uses pretty much all the time in his Kaui paradise. The turning power and boosting is what he likes about it. The goofy guy in the clown pants is yours truly having one heck of a good time under the Griffon Argonaut. It turns and parks well in the waves. Going to be getting some students on them this year for sure. Just got my first nick in it a few days ago in an initial solo session up at Leo the day after the big blow when landed it on a rock as to land a beginner. Thing about the arcs is any beginner can feel safe flagging it out. Going to be a challenge this year picking between Argonaut, Epic, Ocean Rodeo, Caution and PL for a new bee. Really is an applications issue now. Tom and I hashed it out for an hour on the phone a day ago regarding a new student who is an old surfer but wants to do a lot of snow kiting as well. The ram air Peter Lynn Charger is the obvious initial choice. Then add in size and weight of rider and if he will be using a proper low rocker surfboard and media and beach hype affecting his fun factor post purchase. Can't believe you really need to be a shrink to teach and sell kite gear. Sometimes it is a junior high (my kite is better than your kite) on the beach but, at least we are all having a great time in the process.. Truth is everything is working pretty good these days and the details are making the difference. The charger actually got a great review from the tube kite only mag the other day. They of course did not know how to launch and land a soft kite (very easy) but outside that, sign of the times. The PL tube kite demo I have been experimenting with has proven to me that Pepijin is a real wizard on all kite fronts. Needs some minor mods as mine was an early proto but it really pulls well, turns, relaunches like a charm and did not have a mile long bridles with a one pump, flatter design. Bridles are in the biggest state of flux though. They like to make everything that flys at PL and this is not the first of the tube ideas over there.
Get wet out there!!
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